Academic Policies

Academic Policies 

Faculty Advisors serve to help the student understand the requirements for degrees and specific programs of study, as well as, opportunities for internships, application of degree programs to careers, and transfer advising. They are also available to discuss and help solve problems that students may encounter in achieving their educational goals. Students should carefully plan course enrollment during each academic semester in conjunction with their Faculty Advisor. Students should be advised in writing at the time of admission of who their advisor is and to meet with them within two weeks of starting of the semester.

It is necessary for students to meet with their Faculty Advisor at least once every semester. Students are strongly encouraged to check with their Faculty Advisor periodically.

Accommodations for Students with Special Needs

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (as amended in 2008) requires the College to make reasonable accommodations to the known physical or mental limitations of current or potential students. An accommodation is any change in the work or learning environment, or in the way things are customarily done, that enables an individual with a qualifying disability to pursue opportunities and have access to employment or programs and services offered by the College.

Statement of Intent:

Nebraska Indian community college desires to create an excess a bowl community where individuals with disabilities have an equal opportunity to pursue their educational goals limited only by their abilities not their disabilities to this end the college will:

  • Provide direct, reasonable accommodations and support services for individuals with disabilities.
  • Encourage self-determination, independence and personal responsibility for students with special needs.
  • Provide resources, advocacy, collaborative services, and outreach throughout the College community.
  • Promote an open and welcoming environment around campus for individuals with special needs.
  • Inform and educate the pg电子app下载 community about disability-related laws, rules, regulations, and policies.
  • Members of the Educational Access Team at all three campus locations have the responsibility for coordinating the efforts of the college to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This team is responsible for working with eligible students to coordinate and provide appropriate academic accommodations.

Qualifying Disability:

To have a qualifying disability, an individual must have a record of having a substantial impairment. A substantial impairment is one that significantly limits or restricts a major life activity such as hearing, seeing, speaking, walking, breathing, performing manual tasks, caring for oneself, learning or working.

Otherwise Qualified: an individual must also be “otherwise qualified” (i.e., to be able to meet the requisite technical and academic standards)

Basic Principles of Reasonable Accommodations:

  • Individuals with qualifying disabilities must self-identify.
  • Recent documentation describing the nature of the disability is required.
  • Documentation must meet the criteria established by Nebraska Indian Community College.
  • Documentation must be supplied by the individual.
  • The individual must be “otherwise qualified” for the program.

Once it has been documented that an individual has a qualifying disability, pg电子app下载 will work with the individual to provide reasonable accommodation. The College is only obligated to make an accommodation to the known limitations of an otherwise qualified individual with a disability. The College is not required to provide an accommodation that is primarily for personal use. The accommodations provided need not be the most expensive or ideal accommodation requested by the individual, as long as it is an effective accommodation.      

The Decision to Self-Identify:

The decision to self-identify and request reasonable accommodation is highly personal. pg电子app下载 welcomes current and prospective students to discuss their disability, documentation, possible accommodations, and concerns with a member of the Educational Access Team. If you have a disability, there is no requirement that you disclose your disability at any time, but in order to receive accommodations from the College, you must self-identify. The decision not to self-identify is understood and respected.

Consider self-identifying and requesting reasonable accommodations if:

  • You have a documented disability that significantly affects major life functions.
  • You are a client of Vocational Rehabilitation, the Commission for the Blind, the Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, or a related agency.
  • You received accommodations at another educational institution.


Steps to Request Reasonable Accommodations:

1.      Obtain a copy of the Reasonable Accommodation Request form.

2.     Complete, sign and date the request form.

a.     Attach copies of material documenting the disability.

Acceptable Sources of Documentation

Materials for documenting a disability are accepted from a licensed physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, licensed mental health provider, audiologist, speech pathologist, physical or occupational therapist, or other health care provider qualified to diagnose a disabling condition.  (Please see referral services)

 b.    Submit form and materials to an Educational Access team member on the campus where you will attend classes.

3.     The Educational Access Team will respond to the Request for Accommodations.

a.     The request will be reviewed, and the Reasonable Accommodation checklist will be completed by the assigned advisor.

b.    When the individual and advisor meet, the advisor will inform the individual about qualification status- verbally and by written documentation.

If an individual qualifies

At this time, the individual may suggest ideas for reasonable accommodation. pg电子app下载 will make every reasonable effort to offer an accommodation within approximately ten (10) school days. If the accommodation is accepted, the individual and advisor will complete the Reasonable Accommodation Agreement form. Students must contact a member of the Educational Access Team every semester they attend to access new or request continuing accommodations.

If an individual qualifies but does not accept the offered accommodation

The individual has the right to appeal an offered accommodation they may think is unacceptable.

If an individual does not qualify

The individual has the right to appeal the decision.


Meet the Educational Access Team (with links to online bios)


Susan Tyndall     

Educational Access Team Coordinator

Megan Miller

Santee Campus- Educational Access Team Member

Terri Grant 

Santee Campus- Educational Access Team Member


SSC Campus- Educational Access Team Member

Jackie Hahn

SSC Campus- Educational Access Team Member

Kristine Sudbeck

Macy Campus- Educational Access Team Member

Zeke Brummels 

Macy Campus- Educational Access Team Member

Marcella Stephenson

Pawnee Campus- Educational Access Team Member

Amanda Kanuho

Pawnee Campus- Educational Access Team Member


Responsibility of the Individual:

  • Obtain a copy of the request for reasonable accommodations form from the disability services office. Individuals who need accommodations should make the request as soon as possible.
  • Complete the request for accommodations form and attach copies of material documenting your disability and include information about the type of accommodation provided previously.
  • Submit the completed request form to an Educational Access team member on your campus. (The educational access team will review the request for accommodations and assign an advisor to the individual.)

Responsibility of the pg电子app下载 Educational Access Team:

  • The individual’s request will be reviewed to determine whether reasonable accommodations can and should be provided by Nebraska Indian Community College.
  • The Educational Access Team will meet with the individual to inform them whether they qualify under ADA guidelines to receive accommodation. Written notification of the College’s decision shall also be provided to the individual.
  • If the individual does qualify, this meeting will be used by the Educational Access Team to learn more about the individual’s disability and to hear suggestions or ideas for reasonable accommodations.
  • pg电子app下载 will make every reasonable effort to offer an accommodation within approximately ten (10) school days.
  • The individual has the right to accept or refuse the accommodation offered. If the accommodation is accepted, the individual and the Educational Access Team Coordinator or designee will complete the agreement to provide reasonable accommodation form.

Right of Appeal:

Contact the Educational Access Team for more information on the Student Appeal process. If the student and the College are unable to successfully resolve problems, the student does have the right to file a grievance. All students have the right of due process in fairness, in matters of dispute, including those arising from objection to, or dissatisfaction with, actions taken by Nebraska Indian Community College with regard to request for reasonable accommodation. Remedies under this grievance procedure or corrective steps and measures to provide a reasonable accommodation. For a complete explanation of the Student Grievance processes at pg电子app下载, consult the College Catalog or contact the Dean of Student Services.

 Confidentiality and Privacy:

The Educational Access Team keeps all records and the documentation of students with disabilities confidential. Any information regarding students’ disabilities and accompanying documentation is confidential and protected by law under the Family Education Rights in Privacy Act (FERPA) , the ADA, and §504 the Rehabilitation Act. 


Application for Reasonable Accommodations 

Agreement for Accommodations

Permission to Notify Faculty Form

Transition from High School to College Handout

Additional Resources:

The Office of the Academic Dean serves many purposes. The Academic Dean is responsible for providing academically sound degree programs and honoring students with degrees, honors, and Dean’s List recognition. Other responsibilities of the Academic Dean are ensuring the academic policies and student rights policies are followed.

A course schedule of the next semester’s course offerings will be available at least four weeks prior to the end of the current academic semester. Students are encouraged to contact their advisors by Mid-Term Week to request course offerings for the next semester. pg电子app下载 reserves the right to cancel any courses that do not meet minimum enrollment requirements.

General registration begins as soon as course schedules are finalized for the following semester as indicated on the college calendar. Students should register for classes before the first day of the semester. Upon completion of the add/drop period, each student is responsible for any costs associated with the classes for which they have registered.

Students who want to change their schedule must officially drop or add courses electronically with their Student Services Advisor. The official drop and add period extends through the last day of the second week of each semester. After this period, students' schedules are official and students may not add courses to their schedules. Students electing to withdraw from a class or classes should refer to the "WITHDRAWAL" section of this catalog for more information.

Degree planning forms outline the requirements for each of pg电子app下载’s specific degree programs. All students should use this form when talking with their Faculty Advisor in order to track their progress to graduation. The degree planning form will help students to identify courses on a term schedule that they need to take to progress in their program. It is the intention of pg电子app下载 to help students progress to graduation as smoothly as possible. This form is one way, while another is to use the Empower Degree Audit and that will allow students to see grades immediately also. If you have a question about your course needs students should contact their Retention Advisor or Faculty Advisor immediately.

  • Full-time student: Students enrolled in 12 credits or more
  • Part-time student: Students enrolled in 11 credits or less.

Part-Time Students are further defined as:

  • Three quarter-time: 9-11 credits
  • Half-time student: 6-8 credits
  • Less than half-time: 1-5 credits

  • Freshman: A student who has attempted 0 to 15 credits – GPA Required 1.5
  • Freshman 2: A student who has attempted 16 to 30 credits – GPA required 1.75
  • Sophomore: A student who has attempted 31 or more credits toward graduation – GPA required 2.0
  • Non-degree Student: A student who is not seeking a degree. (FSA HB NOV 2010 1-10)

One semester credit is equal to fifteen hours of contact time over the course of a semester. One semester laboratory or internship credit is equal to thirty hours contact time over the course of a semester. Fall and Spring semesters consist of sixteen weeks including a finals week. Summer semester consists of 5-8 weeks. Instructors and students are required to meet for the normal class time during finals week.

Courses numbered under the 1000 level are considered pre-college level courses (above the secondary level of education) and are used to strengthen students' skills. These will not count toward graduation at pg电子app下载 and will not transfer to other colleges and universities. Courses numbered 1000-1999 are considered freshmen or first-year level courses, and courses numbered 2000 or higher are considered sophomore or second-year level courses, depending on the specific degree program.

Transitional education courses are designed to help students prepare academically. The College's transitional program is important to the students who need to develop or upgrade certain skills required to succeed in the certificate or degree program of their choice. Recommendations to take transitional courses are based on academic skill assessment, past academic performance, and/or the expressed needs of the student. All first-time students intending to enroll in a degree program are required to take a placement test to determine their basic skills level. Those students who fall below an established competency level in any one of the following: English, mathematics, or keyboarding fundamentals, will be required to take the appropriate transitional classes. Students completing these courses will then be given a post-test to determine if they are prepared to take college-level classes. It is the intent of pg电子app下载 to prepare students to succeed in their college level coursework. (Entering students who submit a composite ACT test score of 18 or better or an SAT composite score of 830 will be exempt from taking these placement tests.) Every new student who enrolls at the institution is required to complete EDUC 1010 (previously known as SSS 100) Student Success Strategies during his or her first semester or within the first 12 attempted credit hours.

pg电子app下载 will count college transitional classes toward attempted hours as defined by the Title IV requirements for funding. Each student will be allowed to take up to 30 credit hours of Transitional course work toward their overall completion requirements.

The normal full-time course load at pg电子app下载 is a minimum 12 - 18 credits per semester during the fall and spring semesters. Successful completion of an Associate of Art, Associate of Science, or an Associate of Applied Science in four semesters requires a student to register for and pass a minimum of 15 credits each semester. More than 18 credits require approval by the Academic Dean.

Students should also be aware that the need for transitional work in English, mathematics, and/or computer technologies would extend the time necessary to complete the requirements for pg电子app下载's degree or certificate programs and may affect their overall ability to receive Pell funding based on new regulations of completion ratios.

For pg电子app下载 Academic evaluation, Summer Term is considered full time at 6 credit hours. Title IV defines full time as 12 credit hours so financial aid will be assessed accordingly during summer term if the student has Title IV .


The grade point average, usually referred to as the GPA, is a function of the grading system used to determine academic status, including rank in class, evaluation of academic progress, scholastic honors, and eligibility for graduation. See next section for breakdown of grade point average.

A 2.00 cumulative grade point average is required to graduate from all pg电子app下载 programs.


pg电子app下载 administrators, staff, and faculty want every student to have a successful learning experience. Students must participate fully in instructional activities to facilitate successful completion of courses. Each semester, instructors assess each student's academic progress. The quality of work accomplished by students is indicated by the following grades:

Grade Meaning Percent GPA
A Excellent Understanding 95-100 4.0
A-   90-94 3.67
B+   87-89 3.33
B Master Understanding 83-86 3.00
B-   80-82 2.67
C+   77-79 2.33
C Understanding 73-76 2.00
C-   70-72 1.67
D Lacks Understanding 60-69 1.00
F Failure to Understand 0-59 0.0
R Repeat NA NA


  • IP - In progress: (EX: Internship, practicum, or other course that extends into the next term. Grade will be assigned when responsibilities are completed, refer to full description for more information.)
  • W - Voluntary Withdrawal: This grade does not affect the student's GPA; however, financial aid may be affected. See section "WITHDRAWAL" for more detailed information.
  • UW - Unofficial Withdrawal: This grade does affect the student's GPA and may put the student on financial aid warning or suspension; EX: Student attended only one day of class and did not officially withdraw. See section "UNOFFICIAL WITHDRAWAL" for more detailed information.
  • I - Incomplete: This temporary grade does not affect the student's GPA. See section "INCOMPLETE" for more detailed information. 
  • P - Pass:This grade option is not calculated into the GPA. Instructors wishing to utilize this option must have approval from the Academic Dean prior to the beginning of registration.(Ex: of use testing out of a class like Intro to Computers)
  • R – Repeat: The repeat grade is assigned automatically by the student data management system when a student repeats a course to improve their grade.
  • NC - No credit: This grade option is not calculated into the GPA. (See section"AUDITS" for more detailed information)


In special circumstances, the instructor may issue an “IP” grade when a final grade must be suspended beyond the end of the semester but does not meet the requirements of an incomplete. For example, this may occur with internships, and practica, which extend into the next semester. EX: Internship contact hours not complete.

An “IP” grade does not penalize the student's GPA but is issued until the minimum number of working hours or competencies are completed the subsequent academic semester. After the subsequent semester the grade will revert to an “F”. NOTE: An “IP” will affect the student’s financial aid status. Students will be fully responsible for any financial costs. Please refer to the “FINANCIAL AID: SATISFACTORY PROGRESS” section of this catalog for more information.


A student may initiate an official withdrawal from a course or courses through the last day of finals after a consultation with the student’s Faculty Advisor. The withdrawal can be initiated by email, official form or phone conversation with STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES Advisor, or the registrar. Beginning with the Census Date, students will be billed 100% of the tuition charge. Students will be fully responsible for any financial costs. Officially withdrawing from a course(s) does not affect the student's grade point average (GPA). However, it may affect the student's financial aid status due to course completion rate requirements. Refer to the "FINANCIAL AID: SATISFACTORY PROGRESS" section of this catalog for more information.


Unofficial Withdrawal (UW) will be the grade assigned in cases of extreme absenteeism. Excessive Absenteeism is defined as 50% of the course meetings or as a “stop out” (student has not returned to class at any time for at least two consecutive weeks). An unofficial withdrawal does affect the student’s grade point average (GPA); and it may cause the student to be placed on financial aid warning or suspension. The student may be required to pay for any classes from which he or she has been involuntarily withdrawn. If a student is involuntarily withdrawn from all classes during two (2) consecutive semesters, the student will be placed directly on financial aid suspension.
This is a final grade that can be given at any time during a semester.


Students not able to complete given assignments by the close of the semester in which a course is taken may request an “I” from their instructor. In order to qualify for an incomplete, students must have completed at least 80% of their coursework and submit an official incomplete request form for the instructor to sign. Instructors have the right to approve or deny a request for incomplete. Students are required to submit "incomplete contracts" signed by the student, instructor, and academic dean, to Registrar’s Office. The student will have three weeks after the start of the next term to complete all required work. The grade of “I” will automatically convert to an “F” if work is not completed in the designated time frame. Instructors may submit a grade change if the required coursework is completed within the time allowed according to “CHANGE OF GRADE” section of the catalog. Incompletes converted to “F” will affect a student’s Academic Progress.

Finally, it must be noted, that an incomplete grade may affect a student’s financial aid status. Students will be fully responsible for any financial costs. Refer to the “FINANCIAL AID: SATISFACTORY PROGRESS” section of this catalog for more information.


Students desiring to attend a course without taking examinations or receiving credit for the course may register to audit the class. Students auditing courses pay the same tuition and fees as those taking courses for credit. The audited courses are marked “audit” at the time of registration. Students who have registered to audit courses may not change to college credit after the last day of add/drop. Audits are limited to two courses per academic year. Audited courses cannot be used in determining semester course load for financial aid purposes or veteran’s benefits.

A Student may request a Leave of Absence from all courses if s/he needs to be absent for more than two consecutive weeks of class(es). Students may request a Leave of Absence for extreme circumstances. The formal institutional guidelines for this procedure are:

1. Students must request the leave of absence in writing, signed and dated, prior to the leave of absence unless unforeseen circumstances prevent the student from doing so. If that is the case, the circumstances must be documented. If the student needs support, they may designate an advocate (after signing the Release of Information form) to assist in this process.
2. Documentation supporting the request should be submitted at the same time as the request.
3. The written request and documentation should be sent to the Office of the Registrar.
4. All faculty members concerned will be provided a copy of the submitted materials for review. This is necessary so that potential problems associated with grading or required assignments can be dealt with. The faculty member may make arrangements to allow the student to complete the coursework that s/he began prior to the leave of absence. The student cannot begin a new semester/term without having completed all conditions of the previously approved leave of absence.
5. Faculty members will respond, in writing, to the Office of the Registrar, concerning their agreement or disagreement to the terms of the leave of absence.
6. The student and faculty must agree, in writing, with signatures, on the nature of the coursework that must be completed to successfully receive credit for the class. A copy of this agreement should be given to the following: faculty member, student, Academic Dean, Financial Aid Advisor, Registrar, and Faculty Advisor.
7. If all parties agree to the terms of the leave, the leave may be granted. There must be a reasonable expectation that the student will return to school.
8. A student may be granted no more than one leave of absence in any 12-month period and it may not exceed 90 days. The institution will not place additional charges on the student’s account for completion of the course work upon return from the leave of absence. An approved leave of absence will not affect a student’s in-school status for the purposes of deferring Federal loans.
9. One 30-day extension may be granted due to unforeseen circumstances, such as jury duty, military reasons or circumstances covered under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, these requests will be approved by the Academic Dean.
10. pg电子app下载 will try to make the courses available to students upon their return. Some special circumstance may need to be worked out depending on the rotation of the courses of enrollment upon the beginning of the leave.
11. If a student does not return from an approved leave of absence, the student’s withdrawal date and the beginning of the student’s grace period for federal loans will be the date the student began the leave of absence. This may exhaust some or all of the student’s grace period for federal loans, putting the student into repayment status.

*In order to totally withdraw, students should follow the Voluntary Withdrawal policy.

If the student disagrees with the Leave of Absence request agreements, please follow the “Student Appeals Process”.


Each semester, students who complete the term with a minimum of 6 semester credits with a 3.50 grade point average (GPA) or higher will be recognized by the Academic Dean. An official Dean's List will be posted at each college campus.

  • Graduating students who complete their degree programs with a 3.5 - 3.74 cumulative grade point average (CGPA) will be recognized as graduating cum laude
  • Graduating students who complete their degree programs with a 3.75 - 3.99 cumulative grade point average (CGPA) will be recognized as graduating magna cum laude
  • Graduating students who complete their degree programs with a 4.00 cumulative grade point average (CGPA) will be recognized as graduating summa cum laude.

After final grades have been filed with the Registrar’s Office, the instructor may change a grade. Circumstances that might necessitate changing of a grade include:

  • clerical error made by the institution; 
  • changing a grade of "incomplete" that has been converted to an F; 
  • mutual agreement between the student and instructor over the subsequent semester. 

Grade changes made for any reason must be made in writing by the instructor and approved by the Academic Dean. Instructors have until the end of the following semester to request a change of grade. Students must appeal a grade by midterm of the following semester.


Students receiving a grade of “C” or better may repeat an pg电子app下载 course one time for Title IV funding as long as they are receiving credit for the course. The grade for the highest grade earned (one grade only) will be used in calculating the student's CGPA, all credits will be used for calculating completion ratio. The lower grade will be changed to a retake “R”. There is no regulatory limit on the number of times that a student may be paid under Title IV to retake a failed course that is needed for program completion.

Credit by examination allows students the opportunity to gain academic credit for knowledge they have acquired by self-study or experience. Students must be registered to attempt credit by examination and the exam must be completed by the end of the second week of classes. The individual instructor for the course will make the determination if the requested course can be administered by way of credit by examination. Regular tuition and fee charges will apply to credits received by examination. Up to 15 credits may be earned toward an A.A. or A.S. degree by way of credit by examination. The appropriate academic division head and the Academic Dean must approve all credit by examination requests.

The pg电子app下载 faculty and administration expects the student to attend all classes and laboratories and be responsible for any work missed due to an absence, regardless of the reason. The instructor, who will state the policy in the course syllabus, determines the attendance policy for each course.

Independent study provides sophomore or second level students the opportunity to take a required course that is not included in the regular semester course schedule and will not be scheduled prior to the student’s expected graduation date. The Academic Dean and instructor must approve and have the right to deny the independent study. Independent Study will be outlined by an agreement between the student, the instructor, and the Academic Dean including course requirements and will include registration through the data management system. Not all courses lend themselves to independent study.

An internship is either a paid or un-paid fieldwork experience. A practicum involves practical application of previously studied theory and the collection of data for future theoretical interpretation.

Some departments may require an off-campus placement, clinical, or field experience. Other departments may allow a student to earn academic credit through a specially planned program, usually part-time, supervised by a training sponsor at the work site and coordinated by an pg电子app下载 instructor. Faculty Advisor and Academic Dean must approve internships. Except with special permission by the faculty, all internships and practica are taken during the sophomore year. An internship contract is completed prior to beginning the internship and an interim and final evaluation conducted by the designated site supervisor is completed and sent to the student's college instructor/coordinator. A maximum of two internships valued at three (3) semester credits each may be taken. Generally, internships require a minimum of 30 hours of on-site experience for each credit; however, requirements vary by program and internship site. If the intern does not accumulate the minimum number of working hours before the end of the academic semester, the instructor may give a grade of “IP”.

Special Topics courses may be scheduled in any major study area. Special Topics courses have the course number 2900 proceeded by the letter code of the academic discipline. Special Topics courses must be approved through the Academic Council and the Academic Dean prior to the course being offered.

Students who register but who do not attend within the first three weeks of the first-class meeting will be given an “UW” (Unofficial Withdrawal) grade for the course or courses and could be disqualified from receiving any financial aid assistance for the semester. Additionally, students who exhibit excessive absenteeism will be subject to unofficial withdrawal (UW) at the discretion of the instructor. Being absent for one-fifth of the total class time is considered excessive absences.

It is the student's responsibility to contact their instructor if the student will be absent from class. Students who have situations that will require extended absences must meet with their instructor(s) or the Academic Dean.



Individual instructors will set their own policy regarding regular student tardiness. However, a student who repeatedly arrives for class late (or repeatedly leaves class early) is not only deprived of valuable course content but is a disruptive influence on other class members as well as the instructor. Disciplinary action may be taken.

pg电子app下载's academic progress policies establish specific standards that must be met by all students enrolled for credit at the College. In order to demonstrate Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) students must maintain a cumulative 2.00 GPA (grade point average) and 67% successful course completion rate. Students not meeting minimum standards will be subject to one or more of the following:

If a student has failed to maintain SAP, student must meet with both their faculty and student support advisor every two weeks. Students are allowed to register up to full-time status. If a student successfully completes this period, student returns to satisfactory progress. If a student status is unsatisfactory after the Warning, student will move to Suspension (See below).


If a student does not attain satisfactory progress upon completion of the Warning semester, the student is considered to be making UNSATISFACTORY PROGRESS, and will be placed on suspension, which entails that the student meet with both their faculty and student support advisor every week and can enroll in ONLY one course. A student on suspension is ineligible to receive Federal Financial Aid and must utilize his/her own resources to pay student costs.


Application for Academic Plan (for Financial Aid or Unsatisfactory Progress)
All students have the right to appeal financial aid decisions. Appeals must be made in writing to the Financial Aid Director. Students must indicate in writing the reasons why minimum academic requirements were not achieved and reasons why financial aid should not be terminated. Documentation supporting the reason for unsuccessful completion is helpful in this review process. The Financial Aid Director will forward and present the appeal to the Student Scholastic Committee for consideration. The student and the student's advisor will be notified of the appeal outcome. Students on financial aid appeal are required to meet with their advisor once every two weeks for the entire semester for which they are under appeal. If the Appeal is approved the student will be placed on Academic Probation for one term when their Academic Record will be reviewed again for continuance or Suspension.


If a student has made UNSATISFACTORY PROGRESS, and has been placed on Suspension, then they must apply for an Unsatisfactory Progress Appeal to receive time to attempt to regain Satisfactory Progress. Types of appeals that will be considered for probation are illness/health, death in family, or major life interruption. For an appeal to be verified for a term that a student is enrolled the Appeal must be received by the end of the third week. If the Appeal is approved by the Student Scholastic Committee, the student must meet with both their faculty and student support advisor every week and if available/applicable, attend tutoring sessions. Scholastic Committee will determine how many credits the student will be eligible to enroll for while on probation. The committee will consider CGPA, completion percentage, attendance, and other factors. It will be documented in the student’s academic plan. If the student successfully completes this period, but does not meet SAP, they will continue Probation until the CGPA and the completion ratio are met. If the student status is unsatisfactory after the Probation status, the student’s status is classified as Suspension. If you are denied eligibility for probation, please follow the grievance process.


Academic Plan
If a student is approved for Probation, an Academic plan with expected course completion and advising needs will be filed with the Financial Aid office and the student's’ permanent record. An Academic plan is completed by the student and their Faculty Advisor. Plans must be on file for students requiring more than one term to regain eligibility and for students that are over 150% Lifetime Eligibility. The Academic plan must be reviewed each term. Students that are unable to successfully follow their Academic plan will need to appeal for a changed plan, following the Student Appeals Process.


Regaining Eligibility
A student placed on Academic or Financial Aid Suspension for not meeting minimum standards of satisfactory academic progress (SAP), cumulative grade point average (CGPA) and completion ratio, will be required to appeal the suspension. The appeals will be reviewed by the Scholastic Committee. The Scholastic Committee will make decisions on the appeal and the Financial Aid Advisor will keep minutes from these meetings for documentation. The Financial Aid Advisor will mail a letter to the student regarding appeal status and keep a copy of this letter in the student records and financial aid files. All students approved for probation will be required to have an academic plan and maintain progress with that plan. The academic plan will be negotiated based on the student’s personal time needs and courses needed by rotation schedule. All plans must be approved by the Department Chair, Retention Advisor, and Financial Aid Advisor and filed in the student’s permanent student record and financial aid files.


Students appeals will be considered in these four variations:
• Suspension due to 150% rule – these will be approved if the student is within 20 credits of finishing a degree program. Students with more than 20 hours will be diligently reviewed by the committee. Students in this status will jeopardize the ability to finish a Bachelor’s degree with Title IV eligibility.
• Suspension due to a completion ratio that is not meeting 67% but who has a CGPA of 2.0 or higher will be considered for approval in a priority status.
• Suspension due to CGPA not meeting the institutional requirement based on attempted credit hours. Students with more than one term of insufficient points will be negotiated based on the student’s documentation of the cause of low grades. All students will be required to succeed one term on suspension that do not have adequate documentation of failed term causes.
• Suspension due to CGPA and not making the 67% completion ratio will be reviewed based on the student’s documentation of unsuccessful terms.

If the student is unable to make SAP within one term, they will be reviewed based on the successful tracking of their academic plan. A student who fails to make progress on their academic plan will be returned to suspension status. Additional appeals may be submitted to the committee, but the committee will always recognize the fact that the student had received prior opportunity to progress on an academic plan. Academic plans will be enforced until a student regains good standing or completes their degree program.

These procedures should be used to appeal or resolve disputes concerning an academic grade or other academic decision considered by a student to be arbitrary or contrary to pg电子app下载 policy. These procedures should also be used to grieve perceived violations of any of the student academic rights, but not for Unsatisfactory Academic Progress. For the purposes of these procedures, a student is someone holding “active” registration status at the time of the alleged violation. The process is designed to allow for consideration of any new fact or clarification of each particular case. Once a student feels they have resolved their concern they may exit the process. So, for example, if the Academic Dean reverses the decision, the student would not have to go to the next step.

Step 1: Informal resolution
A student having a problem with a faculty member or disagreeing with a faculty member's decision should first try to solve the dispute with the faculty member. Often these disputes are simple misunderstandings that can be cleared up with an informal meeting. If a student is not satisfied with the resolution reached at this meeting or feels too uncomfortable to meet with the instructor, he/she should then arrange to meet with the Academic Dean. If a student is not satisfied with the informal resolution, he/she can proceed to step 2.

Step 2: Academic Dean Review
The student must file a written appeal with the Academic Dean within ten (10) calendar days after meeting with the instructor or Academic Dean in the informal resolution step.
The appeal must include the following items:
● Name, address, email, and phone number of the person filing the grievance.
● Explanation of the efforts the student has made to resolve the grievance informally.
● Nature of the grievance in full detail.
● Place, date, and time of alleged incident.
● Name of the person(s) accused of the violation.
● Requested remedy.
● Any background information or documentation the student filing the grievances believes to be relevant.
The Academic Dean will provide written findings to the applicant within ten (10) working days of the date of submission. If the student disagrees with the Academic Dean’s findings, he/she can proceed to Step 3.

Step 3: Appeal Committee Review
Within three (3) working days of an appeal denial by the Academic Dean, the student may request a review by the Academic Committee which consists of The Academic Dean, the Dean of Student Services, and two other members of the Academic Council. The Committee will meet and review the appeal and all documentation and issue a written finding within ten (10) working days of receipt of the appeal. If the student disagrees with the Committee’s findings, he/she can proceed to the final step.

Step 4: President Review
Within three (3) working days of an appeal denial by the Academic Committee, the student may request a review by the President. After reviewing the appeal and all documentation, the President will issue a final decision within ten (10) working days of receipt of the request for appeal. The President’s decision is the final step in the process.


These procedures should be used to appeal or resolve disputes concerning an academic grade or other academic decision considered by a student to be arbitrary or contrary to College policy. These procedures should also be used to grieve perceived violations of any of the student academic rights, but not for Unsatisfactory Academic Progress. For the purposes of these procedures, a student is someone holding “active” registration status as the time of the alleged violation. The process is designed to allow for consideration of any new fact or clarification of each particular case. A student may obtain relief after any step. So, for example, if the Academic Dean reverses the decision, the student would not have to go to the next step.

  • Step 1: Informal resolution: A student having a problem with a faculty member or disagreeing with a faculty member ́s decision should first try to solve the dispute with the faculty member. Often these disputes are simple misunderstandings that can be cleared up with an informal meeting. If a student is not satisfied with the resolution reached at this meeting or feels too uncomfortable to meet with the instructor, he/she should then arrange to meet with the Academic Dean. If a student is not satisfied with the informal resolution, he/she can proceed to step 2. 
  • Step 2: Academic Dean Review: The student must file a written appeal with the Academic Dean within ten (10) calendar days after meeting with the instructor or Academic Dean in the informal resolution step. The appeal must include the following items: 
  • Name, address, email, and phone number of the person filing the grievance. 
  • Explanation of the efforts the student has made to resolve the grievance informally. 
  • Nature of the grievance in full detail. 
  • Place, date, and time of alleged incident. 
  • Name of the person(s) accused of the violation. 
  • Requested remedy. 
  • Any background information or documentation the student filing the grievances believes to be relevant. 

The Academic Dean will provide written findings to the applicant within ten (10) working days of the date of submission. If the student disagrees with the Academic Dean’s findings, he/she can proceed to Step 3.

  • Step 3: Appeal Committee Review: Within three (3) working days of an appeal denial by the Academic Dean, the student may request a review by the Academic Committee which consists of The Academic Dean, the Registrar, and two other members of the Academic Council. The Committee will meet and review the appeal and all documentation and issue a written finding within ten (10) working days of receipt of the appeal. If the student disagrees with the Committee’s findings, he/she can proceed to the final step. 
  • Step 4: President Review: Within three (3) working days of an appeal denial by the Academic Committee, the student may request a review by the President. After reviewing the appeal and all documentation, the President will issue a final decision within ten (10) working days of receipt of the request for appeal. The President’s decision is the final step in the process.


The Office of the Registrar is the official and primary depository of student's permanent academic records. Information concerning grade reports, credits completed, course add/drops, course substitutions, transfer credits, graduation applications, degree audit, programs of study, transcripts, and other academic concerns are located in this office or electronically in the student information system.

The Office of the Registrar is also responsible for collecting and maintaining current and accurate student information such as address, declaration of major, and advisor's name. Much of the information collected is for reporting to the federal government for determination of funding, and for maintaining a mailing list of students' permanent addresses. Personal data such as change of address, change of major, or change of advisor should be reported to the Registrar’s Office as soon as possible.

pg电子app下载 abides by the principles established by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 2002, Section 507 of Public Law 107-56; as amended April 12, 2002. For more information, contact the Registrar Office.

In order for an official transcript to be released, students need to submit a written request and attach a payment of $5.00 per transcript. Please allow seven to ten business days for processing. The student's account with the college must be paid in full prior to releasing an official transcript. The college will make every effort to negotiate a payment plan through the Business Office. There is no charge for transcripts requested for Tribal higher education programs, vocational grants, and social service agency requests.

All new incoming freshman and transfer students (depending upon transfer courses) will be required to take English, mathematics, and computer assessment tests. These tests will assist the student in determining the academic courses appropriate for the student to take. Test results are confidential and are used only for advising purposes. Students will be notified of testing sites, dates, and times.



The requirements for graduation from pg电子app下载 are generally those that are specified in the Certificate and Degree Requirements section in the college catalog at the time the student is admitted. Exceptions to this are specified under “Effective Dates of the Catalog” in the Admissions Information and Policies section. Prior college credits applied to a completed degree will be based on relevance of learning.

Students who change from one major field to another must meet all degree requirements of the current catalog at the time of the change. The Academic Dean reserves the right to arbitrate any exemptions not covered explicitly by the intent and meaning of this policy.

Students intending to graduate must complete the following requirements:

● Satisfactorily complete a prescribed program of study with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of at least 2.00.
● Completion of each class taken to satisfy general education requirements with a grade of “D” or better.
● Any student wishing to graduate with a degree or certificate from pg电子app下载 must complete at least one term of academic credits at pg电子app下载.
● Complete and submit a graduation application by census date of the spring semester that the student intends to participate in graduation to the Registrar’s Office and pay the Graduation Fee.
● Students needing grade changes must have them completed prior to mid-term of the spring semester that they have requested to graduate. If the grade changes are not complete by this time, they will be removed from the slotted list of graduates in that Spring term. Also, students that are not making satisfactory progress at midterm of the spring semester will be denied from the list of students to participate in graduation ceremonies of that spring term.
● Students may participate in graduation if they will need two or fewer classes at the end of the spring term.
● Return all library materials and pay all library charges.
● Prior to receiving his/her diploma/official transcripts, the student must pay all financial obligations, including the graduation fee, to the Business Office.
● All graduation diplomas and skins will be made available to the student once the degree is conferred.

*Note* Reverse Transfer is a unique process for awarding associate degrees to students who have transferred in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree before completing the requirements for an associate degree at pg电子app下载. Through our reverse transfer program, students can combine credits they earned at two and four-year institutions to be awarded an associate degree at pg电子app下载 while also working toward a bachelor’s degree.

Students planning to transfer to a four-year institution should plan their program of study utilizing the following procedure:

● Obtain a current catalog from the institution to which they plan to transfer, and study the transfer admission requirements, general education requirements, and degree program requirements. Take special notice of the freshman and sophomore requirements in the major field of interest.
● Consult with a Faculty Advisor about potentially fulfilling most of the freshman and sophomore requirements at pg电子app下载.
● Consult, either by letter, phone, or personal interview, with the Transfer Admissions Officer of the four-year institution about any questions they may have about transfer information or course transferability.
● Immediately after beginning the last semester of work at pg电子app下载, contact an advisor for information regarding the transfer process.

NOTE: It is common that not all previous credits will transfer and that the student will be required to enroll in some additional courses to meet the transferring institution’s requirements. Each academic department of the transfer institutions sets their own requirements for acceptance of transferred credits. pg电子app下载 has articulation agreements with several regional and national colleges and universities. Interested students should request information regarding these college articulations. Additionally, the curricula at pg电子app下载 are based upon the student’s full-time enrollment each semester in order to complete all the requirements within two years of study.

In order to receive a second AA or AS degree, a student must have completed the core requirements in general education for the degree sought and the requirements in the new concentration area, including a minimum of 15 semester credits beyond the first degree. Financial aid may be available and will be assessed on an individual basis. Second Degrees will be charged the same fees as first degrees. If a student has attained two Associate Degrees at pg电子app下载, any additional degrees must be approved by Academic Dean.


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